本記事は、Android Jetpack: what’s new in Android Support Library (Google I/O 2018)の記事です。
Current Package Name
- com.android.support
- support-v4
- support-v13
- appcompat-v7
- cardview-v7
- gridlayout-v7
- mediarouter-v7
- palette-v7
- preference-v7
- preference-v14
- recyclerview-v7
Packaging Versioning Releasing
- Guidance
- Recommended libraries and tools
- Has a cute logo
- Libraries itself
- Technical guarantees
- Does not have a cute logo
Finer-grained artifacts
- Feature-based Maven groupId and artifactId
- Scoped to individual widgets, use cases
- Compatible with old artifacts
- Binary compatible
Refined versioning
- Reset from 28.0.0 to 1.0.0
- Strict semantic versioning
- Major - binary compatibility
- Minor - feature release
- Bug fix
- Per-artifact versioning & release
- Dependencies defined in POM
Updated packaging
- Refactored to
java packages- 1androidx.
- 1androidx.
- Consistent Maven naming schemes
- Removed -v7, -v4, etc. naming
Support Library 28.0.0-alpha1 => AndroidX 1.0.0-alpha1
com.android.support:multidex => androidx.multidex:multidex com.android.databinding:adapters => androidx.databinding:databinding-adapters android.arch.persistence.room:common => androidx.room:room-common com.android.support:support-compat => androidx.core:core com.android.support:cardview-v7 => androidx.cardview:cardview
Migrating to AndroidX
- Tooling for automatic source migration
- Available in Android Studio 3.2 Canary 14+
- Wait until Canary 15 to start using this
- Jetifier tool for prebuilt JAR, AAR transformation
- Available as standalone JAR or Gradle plugin
Use Automated refactoring(As of 05/12/18: Available now in Android Studio 3.2 Canary 14)
- "Refactor to AndroidX…"
Support Library 28.0.x
- No feature releases after 28.0.0
What's New Features
RecyclerView Selection
- Touch and mouse-driven
- Preserves state between Activity lifecycle events
- Finger-grained control
dependencies { implementation "androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview-selection:1.0.0-alpha1" }
- Band selection
- Item selection area
- Item rejection
- State management
- Much more
RecyclerView ListAdapter
- Operates on immutable lists
- Simplified way to use DiffUtil
- Provides animated updates
- Concurrency support
- Efficiently animates changes
- See also
- Provides access to latest WebView platform APIs(android.webkit.*)
- Relies on updatable WebView APK
- API 21+ devices only
dependencies { implementation "androidx.webkit:webkit:1.0.0-alpha1" }
Browser library
- android.support.customtabs ->
- Custom tabs supported by major browsers
- Browser actions
- Allows apps to hook into browser context-click menu
- Requires browser support: Chrome v66+
- Writing to HEIF files from:
- API 28+ (backport coming)
Android's new approach for remote content
- Templated
- Interactive
- Updatable
Backwards-compatible through API 19+(95% of devices)
Launching in Search
Enhance Suggestions with rich, live app content
- App names
- General terms
Reach hundreds of millions of users with Slices backwards-compatibility
dependencies { implementation "androidx:slice-builders:1.0.0-alpha1" implementation "androidx:slice-view:1.0.0-alpha1" implementation "androidx:slice-core:1.0.0-alpha1" }
Slice Types
- Shortcut slice
- Small slice
- Large slice
Material Components
- Adding more customization for color, type, and shape
- New components
- Animations
- Express your brand
dependencies { implementation "com.google.android.material:material:1.0.0-alpha1" }
- Automatic Source MigrationはCanary 15から
- Jetifier名前良い..どういう仕組みとか知るためには紹介されていた動画を見る
- What's new in Android Support Libraryが来年からWhat's new in AndroidXになる!
- Androidアプリ開発を始めてから今まで、Androidのサポートライブラリ系のパッケージング周りよくわからなかったので、今回androidxに統一されて分かりやすくなるの最高そう!