本記事は、Get Animated (Android Dev Summit '18)に関する記事です。
Android Animation APIs
- View Animations
- Value Animator
- Object Animator
- View Property Animator
- Transitions
- Animated Vector Drawable
- Physics
- MotionLayout
is now consider deprecated
- Measure => Layout => Draw
- android.view.animation is only applied in Draw process
- WindowAnimation only accepts android.view.animation so it should be used only here, but otherwise consider it as deprecated
- You may use it in FragmentTransaction
- API also accepts Android animator so prefer animator
When to use which Animator
- ObjectAnimator - general purpose, property animator
- ValueAnimator - custom animation
- ViewPropertyAnimator
- Multiple properties on the same View
- Fire and forget
- PropertyValuesHolder - multiple properties on the same object
- AnimatorSet - choreograph a set of animations
When to use
- Icon animation
- Fire & forget animations
- Performance critical
Physics-based Animation
- Interruptible
- Continuity
- Realistic Look
- Shared element activity transitions
- Window content enter/exit
- Modularize animations
- Simple changes
Motion / Animation
In ConstraintLayout 2.0, all the helpers are exposed for achieving encapsulated behaviors
- ConstraintLayout utility
- Apply it to a set of widgets
- Supported in Android Studio
- Use Animation APIs in helpers to promote reuse
E.g. Circular Reveal:
@Override public void updatePostLayout(ConstraintLayout container) { super.updatePostLayout(container); if (mContainer != container) { int rad = (int) Math.hypot(mComputedMaxY - mComputedMinY, mComputedMaxX - mComputedMinX); Animator anim = ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal(this, (int) mComputedCenterX - getLeft(), (int) mComputedCenterY - getTop(0, 0, rad); anim.setDuration(2000); anim.start(); } mContainer = container; }
<com.example.CircularRevealHelper android:id="@+id/helper" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="@drawable/lake" app:constraint_referenced_ids="imageView" />
- Only two states: Start to End
- Where it shines
- Declarative motion
- Bespoke motion
- Touch-driven motion
MotionLayout: Library
- Part of ConstraintLayout 2.0
- Released at Google IO'18
- Built upon ConstraintLayout 1.1
- Alpha 2
はwindow animationには現状必要だが、それ以外のアニメーションには別のAPIを利用するほうが良さそう- 今後MotionLayoutが出てきてものすごいアニメーションを表現できるようになると思うが、既存APIとは適材適所で使い分けする必要がありそう
- MotionLayoutの説明の部分で住友さんのツイッターアカウントが取り上げられていてめちゃ驚いた