本記事は、Modern Android development: Android Jetpack, Kotlin, and more (Google I/O 2018)のNotes記事です。
Android History
- 2008 - Android 1.0
- 2013 - Android Studio
- 2014 - ART, RecyclerView
- 2017 - ConstraintLayout, Kotlin, AAC, Studio Profilers
- 2018 - ktx, Paging
- Layout Inspector
- Trace View -> Systrace
- New Profiler Tab in Android Studio
- Memory Tracking
- Layout Design
- ConstraintLayout
Runtime in Language
- Optimized for Space
- JIT optimizations not as powerful
- Slow Allocation/collection
- Heap fragmentation
- Avoid allocations(e.g. Don't use Enums!)
- Primitive types are cool
- Optimized for performance
- Faster allocation/collection
- Heap defragmentation
- Large object heap
- Allocate as necessary(Yes, even enums)
- Use appropriate types
- Phones are still constrained
- Buttery is important
- Started with Java 1.5
- Extremely popular
- Available great tools
- Slow adoption of newer versions
- Official support in 2017
- Close collaboration with Jetbrains
- Many great features that make code more enjoyable to write & read
- Android project can contain both Kotlin & Java
- Lint checks in Android Studio
- Java -> Kotlin conversion
- Android Kotlin Extension
- Kotlin Style Guide
- Kotlin Interop Guide
Benefits of Kotlin
- Extensions
- Inline functions
- Operators
- De-structuring assignments
- Data classes
- Lambdas
Now, new Java APIs in the platform starting with Android P will follow the code convention of Kotlin that when there is a SAM interface as parameter, it goes at the end of the list of parameters.
- AbsoluteLayout => Deprecated
- LinearLayout => Okay for simple cases
- FrameLayout => Okay
- GridLayout => Don't use
- RelativeLayout => Don't use
- ConstraintLayout => Use it. 2.0 Soon!
- AdapterViews
- Complicated
- Core platform bugs+fixes => Core Platform API @deprecated
- Use Support Library Fragments
- Improvements ongoing, plans for more
- New Navigation component simplifies fragment transactions
- Android apps consist of many activities
- Navigating launches an activity
- Use single activities when possible
- One per entry point
- Richer, more continuous use experience
- Fragments are not necessary, but can help
- Navigation component, too
- No recommendation for architecture before
- Handling Android Lifecycle
- AAC: Lifecyle
- Fragment implements LifecycleOwner
- AppCompatActivity implements LifecycleOwner
- Activity and Lifecycle-Dependent-Thing now gets seprated
Views and Data
- Activity had too much stuff
- Views
- Data for Views
- Lifecycle tracking
- Data change tracking
Live Data and ViewModel
- Activity now only contains Views and reference for ViewModel
- Activity observes LiveData
- Do it your own! => Room
- Local data persistence via SQLite
- Compile-time validation
- LiveData integration
Idea from Repository Pattern
Activity/Fragment ↓ ViewModel(contains LiveData) ↓ Repository -> Model(Room) -> SQLite -> Remote Data(Retrofit) -> WebService
Data Paging
- Paging Library 1.0
- Works with RecyclerView
- Fine-grained item changes, bindings
- Uses background threads
- Flexible data fetching options
- Integration with Room
- Boring name
- OpenGL ES 1.0 => OpenGL ES 3.1/3.2, Vulkan
- Software rendering => Hardware accelerated rendering
- Nine patches => Vector Drawables
- TextureView vs SurfaceView => Use SurfaceView, not TextureView
- Managing bitmaps by hand => Recommended Libraries: Glide, Picasso, Lottie
Final Thoughts
- Profile your code => Profile your code
- Avoid work when possible
- Minimize memory consumption
- Devices are still resource-constrained
- Battery life is critical
- Bandwidth is precious
- User experience matters
- 可能であれば1 Activityに極力しよう、というのを公式として今回方針を明言しているのは大きいなと感じました
- Java APIの作りもKotlinを意識した形にする、というのは最高そうですね!
- Navigation Component、AAC LifecycleによってFragmentも扱いやすくなった、というようなわりとFragmentが肯定される内容だったのかなと
- サードーパーティー製のライブラリも良いものは使っていこう(Retrofit, Glide, Picassoなどが本動画には登場しています)という姿勢も、全て結果的には良いUXを提供しようというところにつながっていて、説得力というか納得感もあり実際それによって開発者も悩み少なく良いアプリを作れる、というWin-Winな形があるなぁと感じました